Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blabberings I

1. does posting random thoughts in Blog form make me a homosexual or do I have to carry out a homosexual act first?

2. I don't see the point in buying new video games when I can just dump more money into Rock Band DLC.

3. I approve of Christian Bale's "Batman Voice". He sounds like a pissed off Mickey Rourke after you give him a puppy with Parvo.

4. Chain restaurants are easily the lamest things ever invented, drunks should go to bars and people that want to eat should go to localized establishments.

5. I've had the same blanket since the mid 90's, it is the only thing I have left from my childhood that I can remember. I don't think I would be ever to be able to part with it but it's beginning to deteriorate in every way... it's sad

6. I have eaten better Chicken Wings than any of you, I am the PSH expert on said subject imo.


Curt said...

sup doucheface

sweet blog... for a GIRL!


Kyle Shoemaker said...